About Us
chain stores and beauty salons QALTA BEDNIEREBA THE LADIES' PARADISE includes 4 perfume shops and 2 beauty salons.
Top Choice's official representative in Georgia Shop QALTA BEDNIEREBA THE LADIES' PARADISE offers over 1,500 cosmetics and accessories. The store focuses on the female segment and includes all the perfumes and hair care that woman might need. Many years of experience and exclusive contracts allow management to present in the shop most of the cosmetics witch is available on the Georgian market, as well as unique products of various names that you will only find in THE LADIES' PARADISE.
contact numbers:
0322959887 - D. Agmashenebeli av. 95;
0322213187, 0322213198, 0322213178 - K. Gamsakhurdia av. 7;
0322060778, 599133753 - Sh. Rustaveli av. 2/4 - Gallery Tbilisi;
599103377, 2, AleKsandre Tvalchrelidze St - East Point
Since stores are only available in Tbilisi at this stage and there is a great demand for products from regions, we decided to offer an online sales site. The online store is filled with products in stages. If you would like a product that has not yet been added to the online store, call 0322959887.
e-mail: info@qaltabedniereba.ge